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What to do when you’re craving nicotine – The 4 D’s to combat cravings.

What to do when you’re craving nicotine – The 4 D’s to combat cravings.

Quitting smoking is a journey that is rewarding on so many levels. Sticking to your quit plan and achieving those 12 weeks smoke-free is a huge achievement and takes dedication and commitment.

If you’re trying to or have quit smoking, you may be familiar with nicotine cravings. Cravings can crop up anytime and can often be trickier to ignore – but it’s not impossible! Getting through cravings will not only keep you on track with your quit journey but will leave you feeling proud that you have stayed smoke-free, even when tempted by a cigarette.



HLS Cov have plenty of top tips to help you fight your cravings & keep them at bay, take a read here.

Cravings can strike fast and there are a few methods that you can practise to manage and overcome your cravings. These are our Four D’s to destroy cravings:

  1. Delay. Cravings don’t last forever. The average nicotine craving will only last for 10-20 minutes. By waiting it out and focusing on just getting through the next few minutes, your cravings will likely have disappeared before you even realise
  2. Distract. Move your thoughts away from the craving. Watch your favourite show, do something active or talk to a loved one for a few minutes. Keeping your mind occupied will reduce your mental craving and stop you from thinking so much about smoking. If you’re looking for something extra to keep your mind busy, why not check out our other blogs and news stories here.
  3. Deep breathing. Take a few minutes to practise some slow, relaxed breathing. Relaxing your breathing allows your body to take in more oxygen, which can help you think more clearly about why you want to overcome your cravings and feel better about sticking to your plan. Every Mind Matters have produced a mindful breathing exercise video, check this out for extra tips on steadying your breathing.
  4. Drink Water. Drinking a glass of water can help you overcome your craving in a variety of ways. While keeping your hands busy, it stops you from reaching for a cigarette. Good hydration also helps to reduce any side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as headaches.


If you’d like extra help to quit smoking for good, from the comfort of your own home and for FREE, we can help. Simply click here to sign-up or call us directly on freephone 0800 122 3780.

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