Are you a carer? HLS Coventry is here to support you for FREE.
Taking care of your own health and wellbeing is so important in order to look after the person you care for and feel the best you can.
Download our resource pack for carers available here! ...It’s full of quick tips, carers’ stories and useful information.
Get carer-friendly support today
Making changes can sometimes feel overwhelming, and a little help goes a long way.
Our friendly coaches can help you identify small changes you can make and support you to achieve them
FREE 121 support from a friendly, non-judgemental coach
Carer-friendly to help you make small, manageable changes
Small commitment - we know caring takes up much of your time
Support by phone, text and face2face – whatever works for you!
We can help you to:
- Eat healthily
- Be active
- Get smoke free
- Feel the best you can
To find out more call us FREE today on: 0800 122 3780 or contact us using this simple form
Connect with carers like you
Being a carer can often be lonely and isolating, with little time to socialise and do the things you enjoy. You may feel like your life is very different from other people’s and that no one understands how you feel.
By talking to other carers, you can give and receive advice from people in a similar situation who understand.

Local carers groups take place in Coventry which you can come along to as and when you can. You can find out more information on groups in your area by contacting the Carers Trust or visiting Coventry Council website

Important information for you...
Many people who care for someone else are not aware of their entitlements – and some don’t see themselves as a carer at all.
It’s important that you know what benefits you can receive, from financial support to practical help and time off caring. Knowing that there is help and support available helps to give peace of mind.
For information on:
- Carers Assessments
- Local forums, meetings and events
- Health information
- Being a young carer
Visit the Coventry Council website
Contact the Coventry Carers Wellbeing Service that is run by the Carers Trust at Coventry Central Library, Smithford Way, CV1 1FY.
This service offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL advice face-face, on the phone or by video call – and in multiple languages such as: Urdu, Hindi, Panjabi, French and Mandarin.
You can drop in to get advice face-face or call 024 7663 2972.
For more information visit: www.carerstrusthofe.org.uk
The Carers Response Emergency Support Service (CRESS) can provide you with support in the event of an emergency and will help you build and emergency plan.
Call 024 7663 2972