Unleashing Your Smoke-Free Potential: Coach Tips on Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
A significant reason why people smoke is because they are addicted to a substance called nicotine. NRT is a medication that provides a low nicotine level; however, unlike cigarettes, NRT does not include tar, carbon monoxide, or other poisonous toxins.
NRT can help reduce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, including cravings when you stop smoking. One of our expert Health Coaches at Healthy Lifestyles, Alana, delves into how Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can support your nicotine addiction and help you quit smoking.
Equip yourself for smoke-free success
A range of nicotine products can aid your quit attempt, including nicotine patches, chewing gum, lozenges, mouth spray, nasal spray, and inhalators.
The nicotine patches release nicotine slowly over a 24-hour or 16-hour period, while the oral products quickly relieve cravings.
Research suggests combination NRT is more effective than a single product. The best way to use NRT is, therefore, to combine the use of a patch with an oral product. NRT is used over 12 weeks, in which the dose of nicotine is reduced over this period and eventually stops.
Breaking free from the habit
While you are addicted to nicotine when smoking tobacco, changing and breaking your smoking habits is also essential. Although people mainly smoke because they are addicted to the nicotine in a cigarette, another reason is a habit.
Habits are behaviours or actions that individuals engage in regularly. Breaking a habit can be difficult, but with the proper support, you don’t have to face the struggle alone. Try joining the Smoking Deck Group on Best-You for tips from our Health Coaches and others on a similar journey to you.
“When I worked with a client who struggled to quit and started to smoke again, I reassured them that now might not be the right time to quit, but always remember to never give up on giving up. You will achieve your goal when the time is right.” – Michaela, Healthy Lifestyles Coach.
How do psychological theories explain smoking habits?
The ‘operant conditioning theory’ explains smoking habits are maintained through reinforcement and punishment. When a person smokes, they experience positive effects such as relaxation and stress relief, reinforcing this behaviour.
Then, when they try to quit smoking, they may experience adverse effects, including withdrawal symptoms making quitting more difficult. Also, the ‘stress and coping theory’ shows smoking habits are influenced by a person’s emotional state, particularly at times of stress, proposing they may turn to smoking to cope with negative emotions, leading to continued smoking behaviour.
Start to take control of tobacco today. For free help and support contact us now on 0800 122 3780. Let Stoptober be the start of your smoke-free, healthier, and happier life.